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Custom Project #3: Hotel Booking System

by Daria Kerancheva /  Custom Projects

Our client Junior Campbell integrated our Hotel Booking System into a real estate website to enable visitors to reserve luxury villas and extras online. In order to accommodate the website owner's requirements, we made following custom modifications:


  • Allow admins to add a booking from the script's back-end system and mark it as "Quote" (new reservation status). Reservations with this status are not considered as booked and such rooms will still be considered available for the selected period.

Quote booking status

  • Add a new email template "Send quote to client" with two links: the first one allows clients to "accept" the quote and the second - to "decline" it. 

Send quote to client email 

If the client clicks on the "accept" link:

- the reservation status switches to "pending" 

- the admin receives a notification email that the client has accepted the quote

- an invoice is generated - upon clicking on the "accept" link, the client is redirected to the "View invoice" page and can proceed to payment. 

- A "Print" button was also added to the "View invoice" page.


Accept & Decline Links


If the client clicks on the "decline" link:

- the reservation status switches to "cancelled"

- the admin receives a notification email that client has declined the quote

Invoice print option

If you need similar customizations, please contact us!

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1 Comments to "Custom Project #3: Hotel Booking System"


rostam / December 18, 2020 at 16:28 pm

May i know if do you do OTA hotel booking engine like Booking.com or Agoda?

Thank you.

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