- Colection of 65 PHP scripts for $4.29 each
PHP Contact Form Generator
A simple PHP contact form script for creating any web and contact forms
Our PHP Contact Form Generator is an easy-to-use PHP contact form script that allows anyone to create various web forms and embed them into a website. The PHP form builder lets you easily create email forms and encourage visitors to contact you, send feedback, book dates, or upload files. A hassle-free installation and a highly usable UX are included! And with the Developer License, you can customize the script as much as you wish.
PHP Contact Form Generator

Product Highlights
With our PHP Contact Form Generator, you have the freedom to create your own contact form, as well as other useful PHP web forms. Get our PHP form generator and benefit from letting your website visitors easily get in touch with you. Here are the key features that come with the script:
Create Various Web Forms
The PHP Contact Form Generator allows you to easily create unlimited web and email forms using a simple drag-and-drop form editor.
Email Notifications
Set custom alerts to be automatically sent to admins after a web form is submitted. Notifications include the form submission details.
Easily Embed Your PHP Web Forms
Embedding is only a matter of copying and pasting either a few lines of JavaScript code, or a piece of HTML code to your web page.
Multiple Languages
Translate all front-end and back-end titles and system messages to any language, using the built-in language module.
Easily Edit Your Web Forms
Customize your web forms without the need of using HTML or CSS – use the built-in simple style editor.
Free Installation Support
We will provide you with free installation support, should you have any difficulty installing the script on your own.
Change User Permissions
Add users to the email form generator and add staff members as Editors. They can only see submission details but cannot change settings.
PHP Source Code Customization
With the Developer License, you can make your own custom changes to the script. Or if you like, we can do them for you!
PHP Contact Form Generator

Use standard and advanced form fields
You can use both standard and advanced form data fields. Use standard input type fields like text box, text area, and email field to create simple email and contact forms. To create any other web form, you can use the more advanced form elements, including file upload, date picker, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown menu, etc.

Anti-spam protection & field validation
Benefit from the PHP contact form script with validation features included and avoid spammers. For form validation, set a visual CAPTCHA image on registration forms to prevent spam. For field validation, mark mandatory fields with a single click, create a list of blocked words, and reject URLs in your email and contact forms.

Easy installation
Bootstrap easily with the help of the installation wizard that will automatically install the PHP contact form script for you. All you have to do is upload the files onto your hosting account and the wizard will start. Take a look at the tutorial in our knowledge base to see how easy the setup process is, or contact us to request installation.

Developer-friendly license
If you are a web developer you may want to modify the PHP Contact Form Generator yourself. With the Developer License you receive access to script source code and a guide for our framework. Read more about our framework. We can add any custom modifications you need to the PHP scripts.

One admiN
Using the One AdmiN feature you can set up a single login screen for multiple PHPjabbers' scripts. Once enabled, you can use a drop-down menu to switch between the script admins. Read more about One admiN.

More key software features
PHP Contact Form Generator comes with the following special features: Installation Wizard & Cross-Domain Integration, High-Performance PHP Framework, Protection Against SQL Injections, One admiN Module, Translation Module & Backup Tool, User Permissions & Encrypted Passwords, Clean PHP Code & Developer License. You may also benefit from our extra services: Installation & Support, Free Updates, Remote Hosting, Payment Gateways Integration, Web SMS, Custom Modifications, Extended License Program.
To download PHP Contact Form Generator for FREE you need to login your account.
Let our clients share their experience with the PHP Contact Form Generator and how the script has improved their online business.
Just purchased PHP form generator and I am already in love with it. Great work. Thanks for this great email form script.
Puck Monkey Tee's
I would like to express my sincere thanks to PHPJabbers for bringing out this bright and genius piece of contact form generator. What is most important also is the support and service. And Edge Communication Mauritius has since bought its 3rd PHP script from your esteemed organization since you are among a few to provide these facilities. Keep it up and thank you once again.
A. Purmanund
I recently purchased the PHP contact form script and am very pleased with its options. I had it installed and running in no time, and the only set back which was something I overlooked was very quickly resolved by support team.
Thanks guys for such a great contact form generator!
FAQ & Knowledge Base
Read the most Frequently Asked Questions about this script, its features and use.
Read more about our Support Service and how we can help you install PHP Contact Form Generator.
Do you need something changed? We offer customization services.
See how easy it is to install the script. Just follow the instructions or leave it all to us.
See how to upload our scripts using different FTP clients.
We use our own in-house build framework which is really easy to understand and work with.
We offer a wide range of web development services.
See how script PHP code is organized and how easy you can modify it by yourself.
User and Developer licence available. We also have a special Extended Licence for webmasters.
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