- Colection of 65 PHP scripts for $4.29 each
File Sharing Script
Exchange bulky files with your clients using our smart file sharing software!
Does your business require an in-house file sharing manager for easy document exchange and editing? The PHP File Sharing Script is the web solution you're looking for! Along with text documents, users can also download and upload images, videos, .xls, .csv, .zip files etc. When uploading files, back end admins can select which users have access to them. Your clients can sign up to use the file sharing functionality. Authorized admins and registered users can post comments to each file. Get an in-depth view below and let us know, if you need any tune-ups!
File Sharing Script
Product Highlights
Use our simple yet powerful file sharing manager to enhance your website, customer relationship management, and business operations! The PHP File Sharing Script supports all the must-have features, yet it’s highly flexible and scalable. Take a look at the key functionalities of the script and find out what you can accomplish with it:
Easy File Management
The back-end system of the file sharing software provides a clear overview of all new files, comments, and clients added each day. Use the quick links on the dashboard to add a client, upload files, or comment on a file.
Translatable Titles
Admins of the file sharing software can edit and translate all front-end and back-end texts and system messages thanks to the built-in pjLocale plugin. Just search and locate the respective unique text IDs and change the text.
Client Sign-up & Management
You can add clients from the designated menu in the Admin Panel and let them log in with their own accounts from the front-end UI on your file sharing website. Admins can edit, enable, and disable user profiles anytime.
Responsive & Diverse Design
The front-end UI of the File Sharing Script is optimized for various mobile devices and screen sizes. You can choose from 10 color themes to best match your website's branding.
File Types & Size Limits
Registered users and script admins can upload and download files from the front end and back end respectively. Multiple text, image, video, and other file formats can be exchanged. No size limitations!
User Access Levels
The PHP File Sharing Script supports two types of user access. Script Administrators have full access rights – they can add other users and edit settings, whereas Editors cannot change options.
Comments & Messages
You and everyone you share your files with can leave notes and comments on each file. This facilitates communication between both parties and efficiently replaces email exchange.
PHP Source Code Customization
If you would like to make your own custom changes to the file sharing software, you can buy a Developer License that gets you access to the source files. Compare licensing options
File Sharing Script
You can upload countless files through the back-end system of the online file sharing software and share them with selected users from your customers' or partners' list. Share files easily with our file manager software.
Your customers can access and manage the files shared with them through a mobile-optimized front-end system that loads fast on all mobile devices. Users can organize their user area and files as they please.
After signing up, your customers can log in to their accounts and access the file storage system to download the files you have shared with them. They can also update their user details, handle files by posting comments, and add files to Favorites.
The admin users and customer users can exchange messages and comments about each file using our file sharing service. This can facilitate efficient communication by enabling both parties to focus on the contents.
Authorized admins of our simple file sharing software can easily set the date and time format, translate and edit all titles and system messages, grant access to other users, specify the number of files and comments per page, etc.
An installation wizard will automatically install the PHP File Sharing Script for you. Just upload the files onto your hosting account and the installation wizard will start. Check out the tutorials in our knowledge base to see how easy the setup process is, with examples for WordPress and Joomla websites. Or request installation assistance and we'll do it for you!
You can purchase the file sharing software both with a User License and a Developer License – compare them below. To find out more about how you can customize PHPJabbers scripts to fit your needs, you can read about our code here.
Our File Sharing Script comes with the following special features & extra services:
To download File Sharing Script for FREE you need to login your account.
Let our clients share their experience with our file hosting script and how the script has improved their online business.
I am very impressed with the scripts you provide, and for non-highly technical users like me, your PHP scripts are so easy to use. Plus, you just saved me money and time for installing the scripts for me. Your customer service is unbeatable.
Jennifer Solis
Great - easy to install, you need not much knowledge to get the script on your site. Great support.
Detlef van Vlodrop
I want to say that I really like the concept of your software. It is easy to use and set up in such a way that my clients can use it with so little training.
FAQ & Knowledge Base
Read the most Frequently Asked Questions about this script, its features and use.
Read more about our Support Service and how we can help you install File Sharing Script.
Do you need something changed? We offer customization services.
See how easy it is to install the script. Just follow the instructions or leave it all to us.
See how to upload our scripts using different FTP clients.
We use our own in-house build framework which is really easy to understand and work with.
We offer a wide range of web development services.
See how script PHP code is organized and how easy you can modify it by yourself.
User and Developer licence available. We also have a special Extended Licence for webmasters.
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