I bought Time Slots Booking Calendar Pro Developer version, thank you this worked well and used in the cleaning
service homepage http://siivousexpertti.startiimi.fi/siivouskalenteri.html

I would like to ask you about the offer a few additional features.

I need:

1. the time slot prices are calculated also cents, calculated at the time it just Euros
2. the different prices based on number of nights/days and work days/weekend booked
3. the extra fields on booking form
4. the required fields validation on booking form
5. the charset=utf-8 support for finnish characters
6. minimum amount of time slots booking at a time in succession validation.
For example: we have the minimum cleaning time at once 2 hours, but the minimum additional time 30 min.

That's all :)

Is it possible get a offer how much these changes cost and how much is it takes time?

Best regards

Enn Kallas