- Colection of 65 PHP scripts for $4.29 each
Pricing Plans and Subscription Payment Script
With our FREE Pricing Plans and Subscription Payment Script you can show three different pricing plans your customers can subscribe for and enable them to pay their monthly subscription fees via PayPal.
Pricing Plans and Subscription Payment Script

Get 65 PHP scripts in a bundle for $4.29 each!
*For a limited time only get the best deal ever on the market!
View OfferDescription
Showcase 3 different pricing plans on your website and allow your customers to sign up for their preferred one. Each registration made is stored in a MySQL database so that you can track all customer data.
PayPal subscription payment is automatically enabled for your clients so once they sign up, you can expect their monthly online payments.
By editing a simple HTML code you can change the 3 plans - their names, price per month, and description.
To download Pricing Plans and Subscription Payment Script for FREE you need to login your account.
How to Install
Using this monthly subscription sign-up free script on your website is pretty easy:
1) download the script, unzip all files and them into a folder on your website.
2) Edit config.php file and MySQL login details:
also set your PayPal address, where subscription fees will be paid
3) open database.sql and import all MySQL queries in your database. MySQL table named "registrations" will be created where subscribers data will be saved.
4) finally, open sign-up.php using your browser and test the subscription and payment.
Want to customize the subscription plans?
- Open sign-up.php and edit the HTML code for the pricing plans boxes.
- There is a "Sign Up" button for each plan defined like this:
<a class="popup-with-zoom-anim" data-plan="basic" data-price="5.00" href="#small-dialog">Sign Up</a>
You can change the data-price attribute so it holds the price you want to set for each particular plan.
- All styles and colours can be edited via the style.css file located in /css/ folder.
If you need help configuring up the script, use the comments form below to send your requirements!
Need an advanced PHP user login script?
A PHP login script to create password-protected sections on your website.
User License: $29.00
- Protect Content and Pages
- Member Profiles
- User Registration & Login
- Charge Membership Fee