First I would like to say the scripts that you have on your site look excellent. Though I have yet to use any of them first hand (yet!), I anticipate some upcoming projects for potential clients and I see numerous scripts that I want to use.

My suggestion for a future product (that could easily piggybacking off of one of your existing scripts) is...A Digital Products Script (You can come up with a better name ;o))

Features that I see (outside of the obvious)

1. Products would include: videos, audio recordings, ebooks (pdfs), pictures (or anything digital that I may have failed to mention)
2. Videos would play in a video player on the website
3. Audio files would play on the website
4. PDFs would open in the web browser to be viewed
5. Pictures would have thumbnail previews that could be clicked on for larger view
6. Products could be filtered to show only videos (or any other product category) in a list with a graphic to visually represent them
a. Could filtering according to other categories, like: Author, Title, etc.
7. When clicking on individual products detailed information would include: Title (Name, etc), Author (Speaker, Presenter, etc), Graphic (to represent the product)
a. Option to add buttons if there are related products with same name (example: The detailed information is for a video, but there is an audio, and ebook version of the a button saying (or icon representing) the audio and ebook of the product.
b. Option to add buttons for download or purchase product
8. Ability to search products
9. It would be nice, if there was a case where one product was in different digital formats, that users could click on each format and experience the product and never leave the webpage. Example: a user would click on the button to play the video and the video would appear on the same page and start playing. At the same time, because the button to the audio of the same product was on this same detailed page, it could be clicked and the audio would play in the same window. It would be like a multimedia center to play the different digital formats in the same place.

This is just a few ideas I have for this script. I am not a for real programmer (just beginning programming in school) and light reading of javascript and php)...I hope this is a script you guys can write and you, I and a bunch of others can benefit from it greatly.

Feel free to contact me, if you have any questions or need clarification on anything.

Thank you for your consideration,